The Ultimate Beginner's Tattoo Course

What is this tattoo training?

Our training is skill-focused online tattoo training course that also covers all the knowledge you need to know to start tattooing. It is the most constructive, detailed, and in depth tattoo course you can ever find, both online and offline.

Unlike other online courses, this course is developed from our actual apprenticeship program in Los Angeles.

 $1099   $399

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What our students say about this tattoo course:


"Patch Tattoo Therapy Training is the only resource that I've found that is 100% comprehensive. My tattoos have improved considerably since I started Patch Tattoo Therapy Training"

- Kelley Van Dilla


"The quality of the instruction, combined with the ability to revisit the material at any time, makes it worth far more than the cost"

- Tamil Volk


"This course is hands-down the best investment I've made in my tattoo career. The level of detail and guidance is unmatched"

- Jaxon Moreau

What sets our training course apart from the others:

Patch Tattoo Course Other Online Courses
Content 37 lessons 8-10 lessons
Focus Skill-Oriented Basic introduction to tattoo industry, sanitization-focused
Lessons Organized Constructive Not constructive
Tattoo Techniques 12 Lessons 2-3 Lessons
Operation Details 10 Lessons Limited
Teaching Style Dense with Information Videos are often very long but lacking substance
Common Skill Mistakes Included None or Underwhelming
Dos and Don'ts Included N/A
Clarity Each tattoo skill is visually showed, then explained in depth. Each tattoo skill is visually showed "This is how we do it", doesn't explain much
Practice Well-designed practices for each tattoo skill "Copy me"

This course includes 37 tattoo lessons, divided into 3 parts

Part 1:

18 lessons to cover all the basic knowledge you need to know about tattooing starting from what machine and supplies to buy, how to get a tattoo license, etc. including a thorough introduction to all tattoo styles and what techniques you'll need to learn to tattoo each style.

Part 2:

10 Operation Details which are necessary good habits for real skin tattooing.

If you had a traditional tattoo apprenticeship, you would get yelled at those little things if you did them wrong, but would not be explained why.

We explain in detail why things need to be done in the certain way.

Part 3:

12 lessons on all the liner skills + 3 skin lessons.

Everything that need to be understood including  tattoo bold line, fine line, stipple and whip shading.

Carefully structured step by step for students to build up complicated skills, how to tattoo each skill, what to pay attention to, how to practice and how to avoid bad habits. 

Your mentor  Jing:

8 years experienced high profile tattoo artist. 6+ years experience of training tattoo apprentices. She is currently focus on Asian style tattoos but used to specialize in geometric fine line tattoos. See her work.

"When Jing teaches, she does not simply show the students how she makes tattoos. She explains why these ways are the best. Her teaching is super clear and easy to understand" - Hana Okada

Previous Student's Tattoo Works

Class of 2023

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Class of 2022

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Class of 2021

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long can I access the course?

    Watch as often as you like and as many times as you like for almost 3 years (999 days). 

  • Do I need to attend a class at a specific time?

    No need! You can access the training videos at your own convenience. All videos and Q&A sessions will be posted on the education platform. 

  • When will future Shading course be released?

    We are pllanning to make the shading online course in 2025. It took us more than 6 months to record the liner lesson so it will take a while.

  • Do I need to have an art background to successful complete this course?

    No need. This course focus on pure tattoo skills, and encourage students to understand tattooing from a technical perspective. Art skills can sometimes be an obstacle and Jing talks about it in one of the lessons. 

  • Will we get feedback on practice?

    Our in-person training offers in time feedback on every single tattoo skill. We check for potential bad habits and wrong-understandings for the tattoo skills, as well as challenge the students to combine all their liner skills in advanced-level tattoos. 

    Unfortunately this is not something we could offer for online students. 

    Note that in the online lessons, we show how common mistakes are made, which should cover 90% of the problems. 

  • Is there a limited headcount?

    This class has no headcount limit which means that anyone can join at anytime. The in-person classes all have limited seats and are therefore very competitive to enroll. 

  • Are there Refunds?

    ALL Purchases are considered ‘final sale’, and are non-refundable.

  • Is there any way to meet with Jingxi?

    We are considering a live seminar in person for a certain price but that is in discussion

  • Are payment plans offered?

    Sorry no payment plans are offered as we don't have an efficient way of collecting partial payments

  • What payment methods are accepted?

    We accept Credit Card or Paypal payments

  • Will certificates be offered?

    Yes, after we've created all lessons and you completed all courses, we will provide a certificate of participation. 

  • Does completing the online course increase my chance of getting into the in-person courses?

    Yes, the online courses will be a pre-requisite to join the in-person course and when we evaluate candidates for the in-person course, we will take special notice to artists who have already taken the course. 

  • Does completing this course guarantee an apprenticeship at Patch Tattoo Therapy?

    This is an introduction course separate from the apprenticeship which is pretty competitive to get into and requires all students to take both this Tattoo Lining Skills online course and the In-person Beginner's Course to be considered. 

    If you are interested in the apprenticeship, first take this online course then email us at to get added to the notification mailing list where we will email you once the apprenticeship application process is open again. 

  • Will this course work for dark skin?

    This course teaches tattoo fundamentals and that includes how tattoo ink can have better longevity. We talk about tattoo skills at a dermatology level and with that being said, the tattoo skills work for any skin.

  • Can I join the course late?

    Absolutely! It doesn't matter when you sign up as all videos and content will be uploaded to the education system for user access. 

  • Can this course replace an apprenticeship?

    We recommend people to tattoo in a licensed environment, and under supervision. That is being responsible for your client and also to prevent yourself from doing things wrong but not notice it. You'll find this course super helpful and teach you much more useful things than most apprenticeships, but it cannot replace the supervision and in time feedback. We  suggest you see the online course as a supplement to the apprenticeship.

  • I am an experienced artist. Can I take this course?

    Definitely! This course may sound like a beginner course, but it's super detailed and in depth, to a very advanced level. Actually, our best reviews are all from experienced artists, because they have their own apprenticeship to compare and so they know how much valuable content we're providing in this course. 

  • Are there any discounts?

    Watch for there winter holidays.  There might be surprises. Other than that we don't offer any discount.

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